Everything you need to know about Sevillanas

Cante Webinar with Alfonso Cid

Yuling Spanish Dance is thrilled to welcome our guest artist Alfonso Cid back to present "Everything you need to know about Sevillanas.” This lecture is for dancers, musicians and anyone interested in Flamenco, Spanish Dance culture and beyond!

The price of the lecture is $25 and current students of Yuling Spanish Dance or of Alfonso Cid receive $5 discount!!! (A video recording will be available for reviewing from Dec 4th to Dec 10th)

Click the bottom below to register today!!!

Description: Sevillanas, that very popular dance performed by the locals in every Feria or festival in Andalusia. A dance, as many other folk forms of Andalusian and Spanish music and dance, that has made it into the Flamenco repertoire.

What are its origin, history, rhythmic, musical and lyrics structure?

Flamenco singer and scholar Alfonso Cid, a Seville native, will answer and analyze those questions for you in this webinar workshop.

¡Viva Sevilla, Viva Triana!

$25-$5 discount for Yuling Spanish Dance or Alfonso Cid students.